About us

We are a few Turks who live in the UK. In the absence of neutral and extensive national and international media coverage of the events unfolding since last week, in particular since 31st May 2013, we have been disseminating information in English as much as we can.

We are not affiliated to any political party or non-governmental organisation or ideology.

We are information-volunteers.

Translation mistakes remain ours – we are not professional translators.

We only share and translate information we can get from referenced sources.

15 thoughts on “About us

  1. Great work Translatingtaksim, and a vital source for the International Media, who’ve been forgetting to mention what a great thing this is.

  2. you are great!! I am in sweden but if you need any kind of help, just let me know… I have experience in translating..

    • Thank you! we’ll definitely read it, thank you for bringing it to our attention. it will be great, if you could let us know which parts of the article you think should be included in a summary.

  3. Hi, I am writing from Brazil, where we have been greatly inspired by the current struggle of the Turkish people.

    I found this blog because not only the problems are the the same all over the world, but the repression methods as well. So, while I was looking for an explanation on how to resist the water cannon the police uses to attack protesters, I ended up here. I saw that the post “Letter from Taksim”, from June 18, says that the Turkish people has learnt how to resist the water cannon. I don’t know whether should I have taken it literally or not, but, if you really know how to resist it, could you please try to explain it to me?

    The Brazilian police has just started to use it and we still don’t know how to deal with the water pressure besides dispersing, which is what they want. I know that, if we continue on the streets, eventually we will discover how to nullify it, but it would be good if we could skip this step.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for all the inspiration you all have been giving to the world and best regards,
    from a comrade in Brazil

    • Hi Andre – the letter is not written by one of us but we dont think the author meant it literally that they have learnt how to resist the water cannons. we are sorry we can’t help. You may want to look at and get in touch with blogs written from Turkey. There is a list of these in our page on link to other sites. hope you can find a solution. Peace and love

      • @Zeo13, Hi, I’m a graduate student researching transnational activism during the Gezi Park protests, would you be available ot correspond/talk about your contributions? I can be reached at lewisjkingop (at) gmail (dot) com

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